this is something i wanted to do for very long liao.. to collect the whole series in DVD.. today saw a place that sell a few, so start buying. lol. cos this one very hard to find liao, so old already.. somemore i want DVD, don't want VCD, even harder to find...
this is one of my FAVOURITE movies ok!
so now the list (and outstanding list) is:
人在江湖猛龙过江- 只手遮天
战无不胜- 龙争虎斗
- 洪興十三妹
- 少年激鬥篇
- 洪興大飛哥
- 山雞故事
- 者王
- 九龍冰室
wa... still got so many more to collect... some i didn't even see before! i think didn't even show in sg somemore... i think maybe very hard to get ah... :(
actually i heard hong kong got a box set one. all the movies together, sell as a set. definately cheaper than buying one by one....
anyone got lobang? lol
I like his music...movies ok lah, only like one of it which his gf die in it =P Will help you look out :)
hehehe thanks
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