popped by for dinner.. and watched singapore "retain" the olympic silver medal. the previous medal we got was 48 years ago! i wasnt even born... but seriously.. in my humble ex-sportsperson opinion... i think jiawei cannot be a champion, yet..... she has the skill. she is very good. but she lack it up there. she lack the determination, she lack the will to be a champion. and its very very obvious from the way she play. maybe its her character not to show it, i dont know. but confirm plus chop i did not see a champion burning in her eyes. she may still become No 1 one day, but most prob it is because her skills improved even more, but not her mental state.
hmm.... with the rule change... the next olympic is going to be very interesting to watch....
"After the Beijing Games anyone aged over 21 will be banned from jumping nation and those aged 18 to 20 will have to wait seven years before being able to represent somewhere else."
p.s. After talking to FX i think i need to add a point. i'm not against FT, cos i know its all part of the game. (i'm only talking about jiawei above). but i do know passions nowadays are changing, for the negative. if these people see things so small now and pin point that these people are FT, then i got nothing to say. when FT lost, people say waste money. when FT win, people say no pride. i wonder why. i am not very old, but i think i know and feel for sg sports more than quite a number of people, since a looooong time ago. and i vividly remember cheering together with singaporeans for fandi and malek and sundram, together with jang jung, abbas saad & alistair edwards. they are FT too! so why the different treatment then and now? even my taekwondo coach, who also represented singapore, was from malaysia! what is true singaporeans? i know of FT who eventually got pink IC... u cant even tell them apart from locals anymore. and i know of singaporeans born here who's heart is no longer here. so who can u consider a true singaporean? i really dont understand. maybe born-here-singaporeans are becoming more and more complain kings & queens, and are forever negative. i bet even if one day a true blue singaporean win something, these people will still just brush it aside and say "expected what. no big deal. we spend so much $ to train them.".
p.p.s. i know this post is especially loh soh... but i just feel that something has gone seriously wrong... somewhere... in some singaporean's way of thinking...
Wah, i think this is the lst time you write so long story =P
I share yr sentiment on Li Jia Wei except one. She will nvr be a No. 1 if she's mentally not strong to face the pressure. And also, they did not put up a fight at all...wat a disappointment, where's the sportmenship. I watch half way, switch channel to see badminton touranment for Lin Dan & Lee Chong Wei liao.
As for yr comment on FT, in a way you are right. Maybe is cos they come from China and now go back China to complete, thus is more obvious for the rest to notice. FT are everywhere and in all aspect. And they actually help in the economic & contribute to the ctry.
ya! i think maybe cos they are from china, that's why its more hoohaa. i'm not siding them and say all FT are good, but it will be impossible to become top 10 seeded player in the world without real skill.
if we get some ang mo to compete in swimming, or some nigerian to take part in track and field, even if lose i think the hoohaa wouldnt be so big also. lol.
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