i was reading through tutorials and techniques of photography and chance upon the one photo a day projects. it seems that through this, a person will be "force" to be discipline enough to practise everyday, and improve his skill in photography. i dont know true or not. nevertheless, i'll give it a try.
a photo a day. since i stay in singapore, i suppose most of the photographs will be taken in singapore....
some ground rules.. i'll try not to use photoshop. have to show that i'm green what. slanted photos, wrong white balance, bad composition, i just have to show right?
p.s. seems quite hard. i work in the daytime, and can only shoot at night on most days. hahaha. dont know how this will turn out. still very n00b, i can shoot one whole day and not a single good shot come out. so to have to shoot at least 1 good shot everyday.. hmm... quite hard.
p.p.s ok. very very hard. sometimes i don't even have time to go out. so this shall be change to a photo a day of my life. hehehehe. that way i can even shoot the stupid pussy cat downstairs.
ppps LJ say i dont have enough keywords in my blog. diao. what's that. anyway "recommended" keywords are
Journalistic, people, places, galleries, photo essays, interesting, photo of the day, singapore, guy, ger, gal, babe, boobs (hahahahaha)