Disneyland! everyone a kid here can! so u can be as stupid as you want. hahaha
actually too many photos to put here...

mickey 猫

the magic castle.....

winnie the pooh fast pass... fast.. yea right.. we did this at 9+am and the pass we get is for 9pm....


the first ride we queued for. 1+ hours... somehow everything look so bright and cartoony here

daytime parade

peter pan

see the queue? almost everthing need to queue for hours... even food...

sunset @ magic castle

captain.... jack.... sparrow....

when you wish upon a star.....

night time parade

magic castle @ night

"Bears love honey and I'm a Pooh Bear." - Winnie the Pooh

finally. winnie the pooh ride. everyone sit inside a honey pot and off we go!

this is one of the best rides there. actually should shoot video.. but then again, some things are best experience yourself rather than looking at video...

haunted house.... actually its the nightmare before christmas theme one...
its a small world after all... but while small, there are so many people.... definitely need 2 days instead of one.. cos 1/3 of your time is spent queueing...