paiseh. no photos for so many days. basically my life is very boring over the past month.
so... finally! after so many years don't have big walk.. its here again! (national stadium bluff everyone...)

see! according to my GPS, i'm really walking on water! hahaha

starting point @ suntec

look @ the number of people! omg!

screw up #1. ok. maybe no other way, cos only got 1 bridge. but the bottleneck @ the bridge really dampen everyone's mood

shortcut through the woods

finishing line! marina barrage!

view from the barrage. nice leh! this could be another new place to chill-out in future

bubble star! see before?

screw up # 2. this is THE place where they make NEWater, YET the water-point run out of water! how can this happen?! screwup # 3 is the goodie bag collection. it feels like the whole Big Walk is a new event, the organiser like really no experience and never anticipate the bandwidth required! omg. there are more screwups, i'm just too piss then to bother anymore. the sun is killing me, no water to drink, and the stupid Cheers is selling bottled drinks @ $2 each. 杀人放火。

this is how they control the water level. model looks cool hor.....

but the real thing, even more impressive!

view from the top of the barrage. nice. another place to watch ndp f.i.r.e.w.o.r.k.s? ops...