Olympus Trip 35 (ugly background... lazy to take out my shooting tent.. kekeke)
ok.. not so new actually.... this is a 1976 september model... RETRO RIGHT??!! shipped from the UK... cheap cheap!! cos if i buy in singapore, it is at least 5 times more expensive (even after i include shipping)!!!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympus_Trip_35This is a film camera! best part about this is that this is solar powered (not bad for a 1960s technology), and so is the best thing to have on a trip, esp as a backup in case run out of battery... the image quality is also very good and sharp. cant wait to bring this out.... lol
best used the next time we got department outing. cos someone brought a dslr before, and ever since then, he kanna arrow as "official" photographer... now he's gone, the seat is still not taken.. i better bring a "retro" camera so that i wouldnt kanna arrow..
hur? me? official photographer? who's going to pay for the "fee-lim"? hahahahaha